1:32 am - Saturday March 15, 2025

Health & Fitness

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'Junk DNA' in brain may cause schizophrenia
‘Junk DNA’ in brain may caus...

‘Junk DNA’ in brain may cause schizophrenia

Tokyo – Often dubbed ‘junk DNA’, retrotransposons – short sequences of DNA that autonomously amplify and move around the genome – may play a key role in developing schizophrenia. A team of researchers in Japan found that a class of retrotransposons named Long... read more »

Smoking affects good night's sleep too
Smoking affects good night’s sleep...

Smoking affects good night’s sleep too

New York – Here is a wake-up call. Smoking ruins productive sleep, leading to cognitive dysfunction, mood disorders, depression and anxiety. “This study has found a common pathway whereby cigarette smoke impacts both pulmonary and neurophysiological function. Further, the results... read more »

`Good night`s sleep` essential for brain health
`Good night`s sleep` essential for brain...

`Good night`s sleep` essential for brain health

Washington – Researchers have found that one night of sleep depravity can cause morning blood concentrations of molecules NSE and S-100B to increase in healthy young men. These molecules are typically found in the brain. Thus, their rise in blood after sleep loss may indicate that a lack of... read more »

Vitamin E could help patients fight mild to moderate Alzheimer`s disease
Vitamin E could help patients fight mild...

Vitamin E could help patients fight mild to moderate Alzheimer`s disease

Washington –  Researchers have found that patients suffering from mild to moderate Alzheimer slowed functional decline after they took a daily dosage of 2,000 IUs of vitamin E. Maurice W. Dysken, M.D., of the Minneapolis VA Health Care System, and colleagues examined the effectiveness and... read more »

More from Health & Fitness

New malaria `blocking` drug raises hopes for new cures

New malaria `blocking` drug raises hopes for new cures

Washington – In a major breakthrough against fighting malaria, researchers have discovered a new technique to halt the multiplying process of malaria parasites. A new study shows that... read more »

College goers’ heavy internet use shares symptoms of addiction

College goers’ heavy internet use shares symptoms of addiction

Washington – Researchers have suggested that young adults who are heavy users of the Internet may also exhibit signs of addiction. The research tracked the Internet usage of 69... read more »

Obesity linked to increasing pregnancy deaths

Obesity linked to increasing pregnancy deaths

Melbourne – A new study ahs suggested that rising obesity is leading to more deaths of pregnant women and an increase in birth defects. According to Associate Professor Rebecca... read more »

First human artificial heart implantation takes place in France

First human artificial heart implantation takes place in France

Washington – A French company has claimed to have carried out the first ever-artificial implant of a heart in a human being. France’s Carmat said in a statement that the operation,... read more »

20 mins of extra walking every day cuts cardiovascular disease risk by a tenth

20 mins of extra walking every day cuts cardiovascular disease ri...

London – A new study has revealed that walking just 20 minutes extra every day could cuts the risk of cardiovascular episodes such as heart attacks by eight per cent. According to experts,... read more »