Dark chocolate may help prevent obesity, diabetes
Ingredients in dark chocolate may help ward off obesity and type-2 diabetes, according to a new study. A particular type of antioxidant in cocoa can prevent excess weight gain and even lower blood sugar levels, scientists at the Virginia Polytechnic Institute have found. Researchers Andrew P... read more »

Heart responds differently to exercise in men and women
Washington – Researchers have said that the formula for peak exercise heart rate that doctors have used for decades to diagnose heart conditions may be flawed as it does not account for differences between men and women. The simple formula of “220 minus age” has been widely used... read more »

Why Mediterranean diet is good for your heart
Washington – New research has provided further evidence of the heart-healthy benefits of the Mediterranean diet, tying the eating plan to lower levels of platelets and white blood cells – the two markers of inflammation. Inflammation has an association with greater risk of heart attack... read more »

Tuberculosis (TB) : How can it be prevented?
Tuberculosis (TB) is an airborne disease that mainly affects your lungs. TB is caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis. It is spread from one person to another through tiny droplets released into the air when people who have an active TB infection cough or... read more »
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Fructose itself has no impact on heart disease: study
Toronto – Fructose, naturally found in fruit, vegetables and honey, is the sugar often blamed for the obesity epidemic and doctors the world over warn against having an excess of... read more »

Slowing down eating speed reduces hunger
Washington – A new study by Indian origin researcher has suggested that the ability to control energy intake may be affected by the speed at which we eat, and a high eating rate may... read more »

Healthy? Check heart rhythm to avoid stroke
New York – It is no longer uncommon to see young and apparently healthy people getting a stroke — and the cause may well be a heart rhythm disorder. So the next time you... read more »

Men at equal risk of cervical cancer: study
New York – And you thought vaccination against cervical cancer is what only women need to deliberate upon? Wrong. Debunking earlier researches, a new study has found that women are... read more »

How smokers can stay off ciggies post New Year
Washington – Researchers have suggested that smokers should follow a New Year’s quit with a weekly recommitment to quit that takes advantage of natural weekly cycles. In a 2013 study... read more »