3 simple exercises for a flat tummy
Don’t want to end up injured or exhausted? Don’t overdo things on the workout front. Instead, aim for a brisk 20-minute walk every day to burn fat, plus do the following exercises to help tone your abdominal muscles.Bicycle crunch: Lie down with your back pressed onto the floor. Bring... read more »

Achieve toned midriff with right food, exercise
Personal trainer and outdoor fitness expert Rob Jones shares five tips to achieve the toned stomach, reports femalefirst.co.uk.It’s not all about sit-ups: Sit-ups and ab crunches work your six-pack. But for better defined abs, spend the majority of your workout on exercises that burn more... read more »

11 tricks that’ll change your shape
Slimming doesn’t have to mean making dramatic changes to your lifestyle overnight. In fact, small — often apparent — changes added together can make a big difference to your weight loss. Follow these top tips for the tiny steps that can lead to long-term success. 1. Get active…one... read more »

Don’t save for future? You may be ignoring health
If you are not inclined to save for the future, you may also have a tendency to ignore your health as researchers have found that poor physical health and financial health are driven by the same underlying psychological factors. The decision to contribute to a retirement plan predicted whether or... read more »
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Control sugar: Limit fruit juice intake to once a day
London – Love fruit juice daily in the morning? Limit the glass to once a day because of its high sugar content, researchers from the British government’s ‘National Diet and... read more »

Brain zapping may control scary dreams
A new study has found that electric scalp stimulation can help control nightmares, especially for those who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder. According to the researchers,... read more »

Breastfeeding enhances kids’ immune system
Washington: A new study has revealed that breastfeeding promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the gut of the kids, which builds their immune system. According to the study by... read more »

Laughter can boost memory!
A new study has revealed that humor and laughter can help in fighting against memory loss as they lessen the damage caused on the learning ability of a person by stress hormone... read more »

Bangladesh receives WHO polio free certification
Bangladesh received the WHO (World Health Organization) Certificate as a Polio free country. The Deputy High Commissioner of Bangladesh to Mumbai, India, Samina Naz received this certificate from the... read more »