UK Queen will be on charm offensive during Germany visit
Queen Elizabeth II, who has always impressed people with her sense of style, has something big in her bag for Germany this time, as Prime Minister David Cameron believes she will play a major role in strengthening Anglo-German ties. During the summit, the Prime Minister will mention for the first... read more »

China aggressively building islands on reefs claimed by Philippines
China is reportedly proceeding with the construction of artificial islands on at least two reefs, which are claimed by the Philippines, despite Beijing promising to end some work soon. Mayor Eugenio Bito-onon of Kalayaan Islands, which falls under Philippine’s control, said that he saw... read more »

Obama daughters Sasha and Malia flaunt ‘summer-perfect’ fashion
US President Barack Obama’s daughters, Sasha and Malia flaunted jet-setting summer fashion during their recent trip to Italy with their mother Michelle. The US First Lady’s teen daughters enjoyed the outing in style by opting to wear minis, shorts, strapless tops and dresses most of the... read more »

Sri Lanka: le président Maithripala Sirisena dissout le Parlement
Le président sri lankais a annoncé ce vendredi soir la dissolution du Parlement, une mesure attendue depuis plusieurs mois. Maithripala Sirisena, élu en janvier dernier, n’avait en effet pas la majorité au Parlement et devait s’appuyer sur une myriade de petits partis. Les... read more »