EU holds emergency summit after forcing through migrant deal
Brussels: European Union leaders will gather for an emergency summit on the migration crisis on Wednesday, a day after ministers forced through a controversial deal to relocate 120,000 refugees in a major blow to unity within the bloc. Interior ministers briskly voted through the deal Tuesday,... read more »

US backs India’s bid for permanent UNSC seat
The US has said it is committed to India’s inclusion as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, days after the General Assembly adopted a negotiating text for the long-pending reforms of the powerful wing of the world body. The reaffirmation from the US comes in the backdrop of the maiden... read more »

Thai blast: Malaysian police may arrested two suspected bombers
Malaysian police have sent to Thai authorities photos of two men, one of whom is suspected to have carried out Thailand’s worst bombing at a Brahma temple here that killed 20 people last month, media report said today. Besides the prime suspect – a yellow-shirt bomber, the other man... read more »

Pope Francis Looks Beyond Havana in Cuba Trip
After holding Mass in Havana and meeting with Fidel Castro Sunday, Pope Francis will have another busy day today in Cuba as part of his 10-day visit to that country and the United States. The pontiff will leave Havana this morning and travel to the town of Holguin, where he will conduct Mass. Then... read more »