With thousands now dead, Ukraine refugees say aid is welcome but peace is b...
SHCHASTYA, Ukraine – Zhanna Sologub doesn’t know if the rocket that struck the courtyard of her house this month was fired by pro-Russian rebels or Ukrainian government forces. What she does know, she said, is that the biggest humanitarian gesture either side could make right now is to stop the... read more »

Malaysia finally able to mourn, as first bodies from MH17 are flown home
CARRIED by soldiers and draped in the national flag, coffins carrying Malaysian victims of Flight MH17 returned home today to a country still searching for those on-board another doomed jet and a government battling the political fallout of the twin tragedies. The bodies and ashes of 20 victims... read more »

1 S. Korean dead, 1 seriously injured in landslides in Japan
SEOUL, Aug. 21 (Yonhap) — A South Korean man was confirmed dead and his wife seriously injured in deadly landslides that have hit the outskirts of the western Japanese city of Hiroshima, a government official said Thursday. The couple in their 70s were washed away on Wednesday by the... read more »

After nights of tension, calm reigns in Ferguson Wednesday
ERGUSON – Following 11 days of riots and arrests, Wednesday night in Ferguson was marked by relative calm. Authorities said there were very fewer incidents than other nights, only six people were arrested, 41 less than the previous night. “Tonight, the radios were mostly quiet,” Captain Ron... read more »