China says 2 pilots died in aircraft carrier tests
Two Chinese test pilots were killed during development of the country’s first aircraft carrier fighter wing, state media said. President Xi Jinping had signed an order awarding honorary titles to all pilots in the first squadron to conduct take off and landing tests aboard the... read more »

Ebola-hit Sierra Leone football team faces arduous struggle
Ebola-affected Sierra Leone faces an uphill struggle to reach the African Nations Cup finals for the first time since 1996 with just 14 players training ahead of their opening qualifying match against the Ivory Coast on Saturday. Their task against the African giants was a daunting one before... read more »

NATO alliance agree to take on ISIS threat
The United States and nine key allies agreed Friday that the Islamic State group is a significant threat to NATO countries and that they will take on the militants by squeezing their financial resources and going after them with military might. With the Islamic State militants spreading across... read more »

Malaysia, Australia to send investigators team back to MH17 crash site
Malaysia and Australia agreed to send investigators back to the crash site of passenger plane in eastern Ukraine, Prime Minister Najib Razak said on Saturday. Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed on July 17 after apparently being shot down by a missile, killing all 298 people aboard. “Both Prime... read more »