Dutch report into MH17 finds crash caused by ‘high-energy objectsR...
London: A preliminary report into the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 includes a chilling transcript of communication between flight controllers as they realised MH17 had vanished from their instruments. After the final communication from the plane (a simple acknowledgement of “Romeo... read more »

Latest remains of MH17 dupe arrive in Malaysia
Two remains of Malaysian passengers of the airliner that crashed in eastern Ukraine arrived on Tuesday in Kuala Lumpur, Prime Minsiter Najib Razak said. “Today we bring home two more victims of [Malaysia Airlines] flight MH17,” Mr. Najib tweeted. “My prayers are with their families in these... read more »

Egypt ex-President Morsi charged over Qatar files leak
Ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi is being charged with handing over national security documents to Qatar, the state prosecutor says. Relations between Egypt and Qatar have been strained since the military ousted Mr Morsi in July 2013 after protests against his one-year rule. Qatar supports... read more »

10 killed as plane crashes in Colombian jungle
Colombian officials said a plane crashed in the country’s south-western jungle, killing 10 people on board. The director of operations for Colombia’s civil aeronautics agency said on Sunday that the bodies have been recovered from the flight, which was going from Araracuara to Florencia. Col.... read more »