Intelligence agencies spying on lawyers in sensitive security cases
The intelligence services have routinely been intercepting legally privileged communications between lawyers and their clients in sensitive security cases, according to internal MI5, MI6 and GCHQ documents. The information obtained may even have been exploited unlawfully and used by the agencies in... read more »

Terror groups citing ISIS crusade to recruit Indian youths
Terror groups are invoking the name of the Islamic State (IS) as a tool for recruiting youths in India. These youths can be trained in the lawless areas along the Pakistan-Afghanistan border for carrying out terror strikes in India, officials in the security establishment said. Intelligence... read more »

Unmasking Robert O’Neill, the US Navy SEAL who shot Osama bin Laden
A decorated ex-Navy SEAL Robert O’Neill has been unmasked as the man who pumped three shots to the head of elusive al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden during a top-secret 2011 raid on his hideout in Pakistan. The identity of Rob O’Neill, 38, was revealed by the special operations community... read more »

President Obama sent ‘secret letter’ to leader of Iran
US President Barack Obama is said to have written a secret letter to Iran’s supreme leader describing a shared interest in fighting Islamic State. The letter, reported by the Wall Street Journal, urges Ayatollah Ali Khamenei toward a nuclear agreement. The US chief stresses any co-operation... read more »