Kerry, Abbas to Discuss Easing Israeli-Palestinian Tensions
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is due to meet Thursday with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the talks will likely focus on how to lower tensions with Israel, particularly a recent flare up in the dispute over a holy site in Jerusalem. They are... read more »

Imran Khan dares Pakistan government to arrest him
Islamabad: Pakistan`s Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) party chairman Imran Khan has refused to seek bail after being charged with attacks on the parliament and PTV buildings in Islamabad, media reported Thursday.An anti-terrorism court issued arrest warrants Wednesday against the cricketer-turned-politician... read more »

In Hastings, 63 people cured of deadly Ebola
Hastings (Sierra Leone): In a town called Hastings in western Sierra Leone a battle every bit as deadly as the Norman Conquest is being fought every day against the Ebola virus. The west African settlement has little in common with its southern English namesake, where William II of Normandy... read more »

Flaunting an AK-47 in Jammu & Kashmir is not ‘shocking’: I...
A protective ring by gun-wielding policemen is the new language of power in Kashmir. Flaunting swanky cars as a status symbol is no longer fashionable among the young, the wannabe and those who want to signal that they have arrived. What you really need is a bunch of policemen around you, whether... read more »