Legal adviser says Snowden would love to be back in US under `right conditi...
Washington – A top legal adviser to whistleblower Edward Snowden has reportedly said that the former NSA contractor would love to be back in the US if the conditions were right. The former analyst allegedly revealed classified data related to the US’ mass surveillance operations that aimed... read more »

Okinawa Governer approves on relocation of U.S. military base
The governor of Okinawa signed off Friday on the long-awaited relocation of a U.S. military base, a major step toward allowing the U.S. to move forward with plans to consolidate its troops on the southern Japanese islands and move some to Guam. An Okinawa official confirmed that Gov. Hirokazu... read more »

Barack Obama signed bipartisan budget deal and defence authorisation bill
U.S. President Barack Obama on Friday signed a bipartisan budget deal easing spending cuts and a defence authorisation bill that takes a step towards ultimate closure of Guantanamo. Mr. Obama put his signature on the legislation and praised the National Defence Authorization Act that allows... read more »

End of mass surveillance in ‘alternative’ Christmas message: Sn...
London – NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden has reportedly urged an end to mass surveillance in his two-minute Christmas message that was carried on Channel 4 as an alternative to the British Queen’s traditional message. The 30-year old former NSA contractor made a reference to novelist... read more »