5:01 am - Monday March 31, 2025

All India

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Elderly people need a medical certificat...

Elderly people need a medical certificate for booster shots, the list inclu...

Dr RS Sharma, chief executive officer of the National Health Service, told News18.com that elderly people who are eligible for the Covid19 booster shot, also known as the “preventive dose,” will need proof. medical receipt. CoWIN Platform. . . He also announced the vaccination of... read more »

Vaccination not enough; 9 of 10 affected...

Vaccination not enough; 9 of 10 affected by Omicron jabbed with both doses:...

Sharing the results of its analysis of 183 people affected by Omicron, the Center stressed that “vaccines alone are not enough to prevent the pandemic” and reiterated that the use of masks and surveillance is essential to break the chain of transmission. 4,444 At least nine out of 10... read more »

Omicron’s tally in India crosses t...

Omicron’s tally in India crosses the 350 mark after several states re...

Omicron’s tally in India crosses the 350 mark after several states reported 4,444 new cases. Concerns are even more acute as Christmas approaches and the holiday season approaches, when attendance could increase, raising fears that public venues could turn into Covid19 hotspots. As the... read more »

Yellow warning about severe cold in Delh...

Yellow warning about severe cold in Delhi today: what does it mean?

Daytime temperatures in Delhi on Monday are expected to be around 19 degrees Celsius as winds pick up. According to the Indian Meteorological Administration, the night temperature in the capital of India is expected to be around 4 degrees Celsius. The metropolitan area and surrounding areas are... read more »

More from All India

IAF Chopper crash: Group Captain Varun Singh solid however nevertheless in essential condi...

EW DELHI: According to an Indian Air Force officer, the group’s captain Varun Singh’s health remains stable, but critical. Sources said medical experts from private and... read more »

India votes against decision on climate change debate at Security Council

As expected, India on Monday voted against a draft resolution seeking to create a formal space for climate changerelated discussions at the UN Security Council. The resolution fell through... read more »

Maharashtra: Two days in Mumbai to impose Article 144 over Omicron and law and order threa...

Violators will be punished in accordance with section 188 of the Indian Criminal Code and other legal provisions, the ruling said. In connection with the steady increase in Maharashtra... read more »

General Bipin Rawat is cremated today with all military honors.

The funeral service for Defense Chief Bipin Rawat and his wife Madulik Rawat, who killed 13 people in a helicopter crash in Tamil Nadu on Wednesday, is held today at the Bra Square... read more »

Indian Army Helicopter Crash Live Update: For the CDS Rawat helic...

IAF Mi17V5 Helicopter Crash Live Today, CDS Helicopter Crash Bipina Rawata Army Establishment. as well as the country. 4,444 military helicopters crashed in both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in Tamil... read more »