Now ATM will generate receipts in Hindi also

NEW DELHI: Automated Teller Machines or ATMs installed in Hindi-speaking states could soon start churning out receipts in Hindi along with English as the home ministry has asked the Reserve Bank of India to direct banks to procure only those ATMs that have such a facility.
ET has accessed identical letters written by the home ministry on February 25 to the RBI governor Raghuram Rajan, then secretary of department of financial services Rajiv Takru and chairman of the Indian Banks Association KR Kamath, asking for only those ATMs to be procured in future that can produce receipts both in Hindi and English and instructions to two ma jor foreign suppliers to upgrade the software in the existing ATMs to ensure printouts in Hindi.
The department of financial services has written to the home ministry on June 29, saying the matter is under consideration. “We will be perusing this matter … the issue is that the printout of the receipt (from the ATM) should come in the language in which the transaction is being made,” a home ministry spokesperson confirmed.