‘White Widow’, world’s most-wanted woman terrorist, shot dead
Samantha Lewthwaite or the White Widow has reportedly been gunned down in war-torn Ukraine by a Russian marksman. According to The Mirror, Lewthwaite, the world’s most wanted woman terrorist, had joined the Ukraine conflict just two weeks ago and was fighting on the side of a pro-government... read more »

World’s Tallest And Shortest Men Meet on Records Day in London
LONDON: The world’s tallest and shortest men came face to face — well, face to shin — on Thursday to celebrate the 10th annual Guinness World Records Day. The little and large act met as people across the globe tried to break all manner of weird and wacky world records,... read more »

Pakistan test fires Shaheen-II ballistic missile
RAWALPINDI: Pakistan on Thursday conducted a successful training launch of Shaheen-II (Hatf-VI) ballistic missile. The launch was the culminating point of the field training exercise of the Army Strategic Forces Command (ASFC) which was aimed to ensure operational readiness of a strategic missile... read more »

More Russia sanctions if Ukraine not resolved: Cameron
Russia could face further sanctions if it does not commit to resolving the conflict in Ukraine, British Prime Minister David Cameron said today, as he called Moscow’s actions ‘unacceptable’. Cameron, who was in Canberra to address Australia’s parliament, said existing... read more »

Putin lashes out at U.S. as warmonger that has ‘deformed’ world order
Russian President Vladimir Putin lashed out at the United States on Friday, accusing Washington of provoking armed conflicts and undermining global security in a quest to lord its power... read more »

Iran accuses Israel of benefiting from strife in Egypt, after attacks in jihadist-ridden S...
Iran has condemned violence in the Sinai Peninsula that left dozens of Egyptian security personnel dead on Friday, accusing Israel of benefiting from insecurity in the volatile region that... read more »

Furious Cameron refuses to pay EU bill
British prime minister David Cameron’s troubled relationship with the EU plumbed new depths yesterday as he said Britain would not be paying more than €2.1bn in ‘top-up’ EU budget... read more »

Mumbai airport on high alert after threat of bomb explosion or suicide attack on Air India...
The Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (CSIA) in Mumbai has been put on high alert following a specific threat of possible bomb explosion or suicide attack on an Air India flight... read more »

Will Launch Campaign Against Kashmir Rights ‘ViolationsR...
Pakistan will launch a campaign internationally against the human rights “violations” by the Indian army in Kashmir, the country’s Adviser on Foreign Affairs said today. Giving a... read more »