US oil spill finding could cost BP $13.7bn in fines
A US judge has said more oil spilled into the Gulf of Mexico following the deadly rig explosion in 2010 than BP estimated — a decision that could potentially cost the oil giant $13.7bn District judge Carl Barbier ruled in New Orleans that 3.19m barrels were discharged into the Gulf after the rig... read more »

Boko Haram: ‘For five kilometres, I kept standing on dead bodies̵...
Washington: It’s a “brief” war, which is to say that media reports on the brutal, dehumanising violence as Boko Haram consolidates its hold on a nation-sized slice of Nigeria invariably are “briefs” because it is being fought in a “too” area – too... read more »

Saudi Arabia: Woman dragged through street, beheaded for ‘murdering...
In what could send chills down one’s spine, a Burmese woman, who resided in Saudi Arabia, was publicly beheaded in Islam’s holy city of Mecca on allegations that she had killed her stepdaughter, reports stated on Saturday. In a video which was posted on YouTube, Layla bint Abdul Mutaleb... read more »

Pakistan Hangs Terrorist, 20th Execution Since Moratorium Lifted
LAHORE: Pakistan today hanged a terrorist of a banned anti-Shiite outfit in Lahore after a court upheld the death penalty awarded to him, taking the number of executions in the country since the lifting of the moratorium on capital punishment to 20. Ikramul Haq, alias Lahori, was hanged in Kot... read more »

Pro-Russia group says it hacked Merkel website
A WEBSITE affiliated with pro-Russia hackers took responsibility for an online attack that brought down key German government websites, including that of Chancellor Angela Merkel, for... read more »

Discovery of AirAsia Flight QZ8501’s tail could lead to black boxes
Searchers have found the tail section of AirAsia Flight QZ8501 in the murky depths of the Java Sea, raising hopes that the plane’s black boxes and the precious information they hold... read more »

Police subdue knife-wielding man near Australia’s Parliament
Canberra, Australia: Police have used a Taser to subdue a man who brandished a knife near the prime minister’s entrance to Australia’s Parliament House. Police say in a... read more »

Future Options for Barcelona Star Lionel Messi
ould the unthinkable actually happen and Lionel Messi be allowed to walk out of the Camp Nou this summer? As Pete Jenson in the Daily Mail reports there has been mounting speculation that... read more »

Steven Smith blames ‘Spidercam’ after dropping KL Rah...
What is a bird’s-eye view worth? That’s the question television executives and cricket officials were confronted with after a camera suspended above the field distracted Australia captain... read more »