6:32 am - Friday March 28, 2025


Param Vir Chakra

The highest decoration for valour is the Param Vir chakra which is awarded for the most conspicuous bravery or some daring or preeminent act of valour self-sacrifice in the presence of the enemy, whether on the land,at sea or in the air.The decoration is made of bronze and is circular in shape.it has, on the obverse ,four replicas of "Indra's Vajra" embossed round the state emblem in the center. On the reverse the words "Param Vir Chakra" are embossed both in Hindi and English with two lotus flowers in the middle. Four Kargil war heroes were awarded the highest gallantry award on January 26, 2000 for displaying the valour of the highest order during operation Vijay. While Caption Vikram Batra and Lt. Manoj Pandey were awarded PVC posthumously, Grenadier Yogendra Singh and Riflemen Sanjay Kumar received the award from the President, Mr. K.R. Narayanan in person.

Somnath Sharma
Naik Jadunath Singh
The Battle of Tithwal Lance Naik Karam Singh
Havildar Major Piru Singh
The Last Charge Subedar Joginder Singh
Inspiring Leadership Major Shaitan Singh
Major Dhan Singh Thapa
Gunning for the Enemy Havaldar Abdul Hamid
Till the last breath Lt.Col Tarapore
A Solo Effort Lance Naik Ekka
  Ashoka Chakra

Awarded for the "most conspicuous bravery or some daring or pre-eminent valour or self-sacrifice" other than in the face of the enemy. The decoration may be awarded either to military of civilian personnel and may be awarded posthumously.

Havildar Bachittar Singh
Naik Nar Bahadur Thapa
Flight Lieutenant Subhas Biswas
Lieutenant Naik Sunder Singh
Captain, Damodar Kashinath Jatar
Lieutenant-Colonel Jagan Nath Raoji Chitnis
Lieutenant Polur Muthuswamy Rahman
Havildar Joginder Singh
Captain Eric James Tucker
Shri Munilal
Maha Vir Chakra

Mahavir Chakra is the second highest decoration and is awarded for acts of conspicuous gallantry in the presence of the enemy whether on land, at sea or in the air.It is made of standard silver and is circular in shape. Embossed on the obverse is a five pointed heraldic star with domed center-piece bearing the glided state emblem in the center. The words "Mahavir Chakra" are embossed in Hindi and English on the reverse with two lotus flowers in the middle. The decoration is worn on the left breast with a half- white and half-orange riband about 3.2cm in width, the organ being near the left shoulder.Caption Gurjinder Singh Suri of 12 Bihar Regiment was named for mahavir chakra posthumously on August 14, 2000.

Hero of Phir Thil Major Satyapal Chopra
Havildar Fateh Singh
Lone Gunner Sepoy Dewan Singh
The Gallant Havildar Lance Havildar Daya Ram
The Unstoppable Chuna Ram Havildar Chuna Ram
Major Hari Chand
Blood in the Snow Sepoy Amar Singh
Hero in Civies civilian labourer, Ismail Mohammad
Rifleman Dhonkal Singh
Master Strategist Lt.Colonel Khanna
  Kirti Chakra

Awarded for "conspicuous gallantry" in non-combatant situations. The Kirti Chakra can be awarded to military personnel as well as to civilians. The medal may be awarded posthumously.

Naik Mukhtiar Singh
Sarvottam Jeevan Raksha Padak

Awarded to civilians to recognize acts of lifesaving, including cases of drowning, fire, or mine accidents "for conspicuous courage under circumstances of very great danger to the life of the rescue." The only cases in which members of the armed forces, police, or fire services can be awarded the medal is when such acts take place outside the course of their duty. The medal may be awarded posthumously and subsequent awards are recognized by the addition of a bar to the medal ribbon.

Sarvottam Jeevan Raksha Padak
  Ati Vishisht Seva Medal

The Ati Vishsish Seva Medal is awarded to recognize "distinguished service of an exceptional order" to all ranks of the armed forces. The award may be granted posthumously and subsequent awards are represented by a bar worn on the ribbon. The award carries with it the right to use "A.V.S.M." as postnominal letters.

Brigadier Naveen Chandra
Vir Chakra

Awarded for acts of gallantry in the presence of the enemy. Provision was made for the award of a bar for a second award of the Vir Chakra, with the first three awards of such a bar coming in 1948.

Sushil Kumar
  Shaurya Chakra

Awarded for gallantry other than in the face of the enemy. This award may be granted to civilians or to military personnel and may be awarded posthumously.

Havildar Murli Ram
President's Police and Fire Services Medal for Gallantry

Awarded to those in the organized police, Central Intelligence Bureau, or organized fire services who have performed acts of exceptional courage. Bars may be awarded for subsequent acts of gallantry.

Manphool Singh
  Sena Medal

Awarded to members of the army, of all ranks, "for such individual acts of exceptional devotion to duty or courage as have special significance for the Army." Awards may be made posthumously and a bar is authorized for subsequent awards of the Sena Medal.

Major Krishna Maruti Deshmukh
Nao Sena Medal

Awarded to all members of the Indian Navy "for such individual acts of exceptional devotion to duty or courage as have special significance for the Navy." The medal may be awarded posthumously and bars are authorized for subsequent awards of the Nao Sena Medal.

Seaman Lal Bahadur Mishra
  Vishisht Seva Medal

The Vishsisht Seva Medal is awarded to recognize "distinguished service of an exceptional order" to all ranks of the armed forces. The award may be granted posthumously and subsequent awards are represented by a bar worn on the ribbon.

Appasaheb Bhagwant Patil
Indian Police Medal for Gallantry

This medal was awarded for acts of bravery by members of the Indian Police. This represents a continuation of the pre-Independence colonial medal into the period of time when India was a dominion, 1947-50.

Deputy Superintendent Mallavarapu Louru Thomas
  Police Medal for Gallantry

Awarded to members of a recognized police force, the Central Intelligence Bureau, or an organized fire service who have performed services of conspicuous gallantry. A monetary award at half the rates established for the President's Police and Fire Services Medal for Gallantry is authorized. For subsequent acts of gallantry, a bar may be awarded.

Provincial Armed Constabulary
Home Guards and Civil Defense Medal for Gallantry

Awarded to members of the home guards, civil defence, and mobile civil emergency force for acts of gallantry. Subsequent acts of similar bravery may be recognized by the addition of a bar to the medal ribbon. It is unclear whether posthumous awards are possible.

  General Service Medal

The individual active service events are each represented by a bar, and these are detailed below. Multiple bars are, of course, possible. In practice, however, they seem to be quite uncommon. All bars observed have been inscribed in English, rather than in Hindi.

General Service Medal
Samanya Seva Medal

Intended as a successor for the General Service Medal 1947 (though the time period of some of the operations seem to overlap?), the General Service Medal, 1965 (or, more properly to avoid confusion, the Samanya Seva Medal, 1965) was awarded for specific services in specified actions which were represented by bars attached to the medal.

Samanya Seva Medal
  Samar Seva Star

Awarded for combat service during the 1965 Indo-Pak War.

Samar Seva Star
Poorvi Star

Awarded for combat service in the eastern theater during the 1971 Indo-Pak War.

Poorvi Star
  Paschimi Star

Awarded for combat service in the western theater during the 1971 Indo-Pak War.

Paschimi Star
Siachen Glacier Medal

Awarded for combat service on the Siachen Glacier along India's norther border with Pakistan. Awarded to the Indian Air Force for "Operation Meghdoot", in support of activities in support of troops serving in the Siachen Glacier area since April 1984.

Siachen Glacier Medal
  Punjab Ribbon

Awarded to security forces (though not - apparently - to armed forces?) for service in "Operation Bluestar" in the Punjab. As this operation has been extraordinarily politically sensitive no medal has been issued, it seems likely that none will ever be issued, and the services represented by this ribbon have been folded into the "Rakshak" bar to the Special Service Medal. To date, this has been encountered only as a ribbon bar.

Punjab Ribbon
Special Service Medal

Instituted to recognize special services by the Indian military which could not easily be recognized by existing medals.

Special Service Medal
  Raksha Medal

Awarded for service in the 1965 war with Pakistan.

Raksha Medal
Sangram Medal

Awarded for service during the 1971/72 war with Pakistan. The medal could be given to all categories of personnel who served in the military, paramilitary forces, police, and civilians in service in the operational areas of Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Gujarat, Rajasthan, West Bengal, Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, or Tripura between 3 December 1971 and 20 December 1972 (both dates inclusive).

Sangram Medal
  Sainya Seva Medal

Awarded in recognition of non-operational services under conditions of special hardship and severe climate.

Sainya Seva Medal
High Altitude Service Medal

Awarded for special service at high altitudes along India's northern border.

High Altitude Service Medal
  Police (Special Duty) Medal

Awarded to police personnel for servive in harsh climatic conditions. In most cases, these medals have not been officially manufactured and issued, but were, instead, made locally by independent manufacturers and the policemen can either buy them from these shops or the battalions buy it and give it to the qualifying constables.

Police Special Duty Medal
Videsh Seva Medal

Awarded to military personnel for services outside of India. Personnel assigned to diplomatic missions are excluded from awards. In many cases, the clasps are awarded either for service with the United Nations or other multi-national missions or for detached service on loan to foreign governments.

Videsh Seva Medal
  Meritorious Service Medal

Awarded biannually (on 26 January and 15 August) to non-commissioned officers of the rank of dafadar/havildar, chief petty officer/petty officer, or warrant officer, flight sergeant/sergeant for eighteen years of distinguished service.

Meritorious Service Medal
Long Service and Good Conduct Medal

Awarded to non-commissioned officers below the rank of dafadar/havildar or below the ranks of petty officer/corporal and to enlisted personnel for fifteen years of distinguished service.

Long Service and Good Conduct Medal
  Indian Police Medal for Meritorious Service

This represents a continuation of the pre-Independence colonial medal into the period of time when India was a dominion, 1947-50.

Indian Police Medal for Meritorious Service
Police Medal for Meritorious Service

Awarded to members of a recognized police force, the Central Intelligence Bureau, or an organized fire service who have performed services of conspicuous merit. A bar may be awarded for subsequent services.

Police Medal for Meritorious Service
  Jeevan Raksha Padak

Awarded to civilians to recognize acts of lifesaving, including cases of drowning, fire, or mine accidents "for conspicuous courage under circumstances of very danger of grave bodily injury to the rescue." The only cases in which members of the armed forces, police, or fire services can be awarded the medal is when such acts take place outside the course of their duty. The medal may be awarded posthumously and subsequent awards are recognized by the addition of a bar to the medal ribbon.

Jeevan Rakash Padak
Territorial Army Decoration

The medal is awarded to officers of the Territorial Army for twenty years of efficient service. Service is actually computed by a rather elaborate formula but, in general, active service during wartime or any other emergency condition counts double; it is unclear from the regulations how service which qualifies for the various long service medals relates to this award.

Territorial Army Decoration
  Territorial Army Medal

The medal is awarded to junior commissioned officers, non-commissioned officers, and enlisted personnel of the Territorial Army for twelve years of efficient service during which they have attended a minimum of twelve trainings; recipients also must be specifically recommended for the award. A bar is awarded for eighteen years of service and a second bar may be awarded for twenty-four years of service. The bar is made of silver and bears Ashoka's chakra.

Territorial Army Medal
Indian Independence Medal

Awarded to all members of the Indian armed forces (including those rulers and State Forces of those "Princely" States that had acceded to India before 1 January 1948) who were serving on 15 August 1947. It was also awarded to British service personnel who remained in India after Independence to assist in the reformulation of the armed forces of India after Partition and who were still serving on 1 January 1948.

Independence Medal
Indian Independence Medal
  50th Independence Anniversary Medal

Instituted to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of India's independence, 15 August 1997.

Independence Anniversary Medal
25th Independence Anniversary Medal

Awarded to commemorate the twenty-fifth anniversary of Indian independence in 1972. The medal was awarded to all members of the armed forces, paramilitary forces, and police forces (broadly defined) who were serving on 15 August 1972.

25th Independence Anniversary Medal
  30 Years Long Service Medal

Awarded to all armed services personnel for thirty years of service. Understandably, most awards are to very senioor officres or enlisted personnel.

30 Years Long Service Medal
20 Years Long Service Medal

Awarded to all armed services personnel for twenty years of service.

20 Years Long Service Medal
  Yudh Seva Medal
Yudh Seva Medal more..
Harchand Singh Gill
President's Police and Fire Services Medal for Distinguished Service
President's Police and Fire Services Medal for Distinguished Service more..
President's Police and Fire Services Medal
  President's Home Guards and Civil Defence Medal for Distinguished Service
President's Home Guards and Civil Defence Medal for Distinguished Service more..
President's Home Guards